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Companies wishing to establish or develop their offices have the choice between buying and renting. Which solution is the most advantageous? It depends on their heritage perspectives, in the short or long term ...
Update on the issue with Bruno Garanger, Director GTF Offices & Shops.


Office rental, a flexible solution

Office rental is suitable for young structures that do not have funds to mobilize. This is often the most economical way to settle or grow. A wide range of contracts exist, adaptable to the varied profiles of companies: the commercial lease for office use, or "3/6/9", the professional lease for the liberal professions, or the short-term lease called "derogatory". However, it is difficult to control the costs of rented office space. Rents are likely to increase from year to year, in an unpredictable proportion. In addition, sums committed at a loss do not allow the company to build a wealth.


The purchase of offices, for more security

To keep costs under control, mature businesses are better off buying their premises. If they do not have the funds, they can use credit and enjoy very attractive and fixed interest rates (which limits the risk of long-term growth). While more expensive, this means, in addition to avoiding the surge in rents, to amortize the premises purchased over several years. In the end, the purchase of premises makes it possible to reduce the taxable income of the company. In addition, the interest of the purchase of offices is also reinforced by the good performance of the commercial real estate market: prices have increased by 2% in one year in Île-de-France during 2016 *, at more than 6000 euros per square meter. On resale, the assets held offer real prospects for capital gains.

A company manager may decide to rent the offices acquired to his company via a Société Immobilière Immobilière (SCI). He then benefits from the two formulas: he builds a portfolio while reducing the risks related to rent or the termination of the lease.

GTF Bureaux & Commerces specializes in the commercialization of commercial and professional premises, for sale or rent, in Paris and the suburbs.
GTF Bureaux & Commerces

58 rue de Châteaudun, 75009 Paris
01 48 00 88 88

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